BLU phone is good, but not without its problems. Just after 6 months, I started getting problems in my voice call quality. The people on the other end of the line often started complaining that they hear my voice very feeble, or it seems to be fading in and out. This was a teething problem that I had to fix. As a short term, I started using a temporary device. And then started my pursuit to find a solution. Embarresment of deciding the buy a cheap phone was now difficult to hide. I started my correspondance with BLU support. And thankfully they would respond. My communication with them went back and forth for about 2 months, in which time I had shipped my phone to their support center twice. Even after getting a new (or a repaired) handset the problem seemed to persist. Eventually I started googling for the problem. And stumbled upon this link , which seems to have solved the problem. It turns out, the suggested app helps us increase the volume/sensitivity controls for the